
"Second One" CDR, Puzzle God, 1998
"Programm for Brain Scaner" 3 tapes box, ltd. 5, Puzzle God, 1999
"Untitled" CDR, ltd. 100, Black Dead Rabbit Production (BDRP 094), 1999
"Disease" CDR, ltd. 50, Black Dead Rabbit Production (BDRP 091), 1999
"Technosphere" CDR, ltd. 120, Ultra (UCD 06), 2001
"Tek-Now" tape, ltd. 50, Drugaya Cultura Product / Svobodny Poliot Rec. (DK009AC07/01), 2001
"Geosphere" CDR, ltd. 120, Ultra (UCD 08), 2001
"Necklace" CD, ltd. 500, Athanor (ATNR 012), 2001
"KachaREX" CDR, ltd. 150, Puzzle God (PG 01), 2001
"Biosphere" CDR, ltd. 150, Ultra (UCD 14), 2002
"Tek-Now II" CDR, Puzzle God (PG 02), 2002
"Xenon" CDR, ltd. 60, Ultra (UCD 18), 2002
"Teologic" CDR, ltd. 120, Blade Records (WMDA 033), 2003
"Rain in June" 7", ltd. 250, Drone Records (DR-59), 2003
"Live 19082000" CDR, ltd. 140, Aquarellist (aquarel 0103), 2003
"The Other Heaven" CD, ltd. 500, Athanor (ATNR 020), 2003
"Oxygen" 3"CDR, ltd. 22, ALF Produkt (No.2), 2003
"Myzantrofy" CDR, ltd. 133, Abgurd Subdivision (AB-08), 2004
"Blood of Green Colour" CDR, ltd. 150, Blade Records (wmda065), 2005
"Deadhead" CD, ltd. 500, Aquarellist / Steinklang Industries (aquarel 03-05 / SKD 10), 2006
"Bad Heaven" CDR, ltd. 222, Ostroga (OTR-006), 2006
"Time of Mars" mp3 / CDR, Roil Noise (#27), 2006
"XXX" CD, ltd. 509, Aquarellist (aquarel 02-05), 2006
"Toyz-z-z" CDR, Black Arts Productions (Black Arts 11), 2006
"The Sacral Member" 3"CDR/flac, Taalem (alm 36), 2006
"Saturn Wind" CDR, ltd. 180, Deserted Factory (DF032), 2006
"Lord of Light" CDR, ltd. 180, Deserted Factory (DF033), 2006
"Naegleria Fowlery" CD, ltd. 300, Blade Records (wmda071), 2007
"Telloram" CDR, ltd. 156, Operator Produkzion (OPERPRODUKT08), 2007
"Aquadoor" CDR, ltd. 50, Rape Art Productions (RAP#030), 2007
"Democracy Of Noise" CDR, ltd. 93, ML (ML 0108), 2008
"Illness Of Green Colour" CDR, ltd. 93, ML (ML 0208), 2008
"Monolith" CDR, ltd. 93, ML (ML 0308), 2008
"Noosphere" CD, Monochrome Vision (mv24), 2008
"Psychedelic Avenue" mp3/flac, self-released, 2009
"zig-ODA"3"CD-R, ltd. 6/35, S und S records, (SS-2008-006-01/SS-2008-006-02), 2009
"Toyz-z-z" mp3, Drill Records (032), 2010
"Tek-Now II" mp3, Drill Records (035), 2010
"Direct Drive" mp3, Drill Records (040), 2010
"Leaving in a Hell" mp3, Drill Records (065), 2010
"Cryptofobia" mp3, Drill Records (068), 2010
"Hola! El Maniacomio!" CD-R, Noo Slava Bogu (NSB 002), 2011
"ILIC" mp3/flac, Senile Dementia Production (SD013), 2011
"REAG" mp3/wav, Pocket Fields (PF029), 2012
"Game Over?" CD, Deserted Factory (DF057), 2013
"Ambiwax" CD/mp3/ flac, ML (ML 0513) / Senile Dementia Production (SD040), 2013

Collaborations, split releases & side-projects

Genetic Load "Tollenkisten" tape, self-released, 1997
Bogdanov / Potsukailo / Stukalin & R.A.A. "Slaughter in the Pigeon-Hole" CDR, ltd. 20 + ltd. 30, Black Dead Rabbit Production, 1998
Genetic Load "Tollenkisten" CDR, ltd. 100, Black Dead Rabbit Production (BDRP 089), 1999
Sadogipnoz + Osso Jakahachy "Monocultura" CDR, ltd. 108, 8th Moon Art (8M-CD-08), 2001
Bardoseneticcube / Misery CDR, ltd. 71, 8th Moon Art (8M-CD-09), 2001
Comforter Inc. / 2nd Off The Cuff tape, ltd. 50, Ultra (U40), 2001
Ritualnaya Bioingeneria CDR, ltd. 99, 8th Moon Art (8M-CD-14/2001), 2001
Untermencsh CDR, ltd. 100, Puzzle God (PG 06), 2002
Lunar Abyss + Bardoseneticcube CDR, ltd. 50, 8th Moon Art (8M-24/2003), 2003
Bardoseneticcube & Igor V. Petrov "The Perpetuum Mobile Space Vehicle" CD, ltd. 500, Mechanoise Labs ([mn029]), 2006
V/A "C.I.I.A. Visiting Card. Compilation № 2" CDR, Fraction Studio, 2006
T.A.U. "La Splendeur, Geometrique / Urbanomania" CDR, ltd. 30, ALF Produkt (N 8), 2007
Bardoseneticcube / Philippe Blanchard CD-R, ltd. 150, Ultra (UCD 24), 2007
Bardoseneticcube + Noises Of Russia "New Orthodox Line" CD, Some Place Else (specd07043), 2007
Bardoseneticcube / Zaubertote "Strashilka" CD-R, ltd. 96, Extremal Psychonauts (ExPsy 010), 2008
Genetic Load "Tollenkisten" CDR, ltd. 93, ML (ML 0408), 2008
Miguel A. Ruiz & Bardoseneticcube "Exclusion Zone" CD, ltd. 500, Aquarellist (aquarel 09-09), 2009
Cotton Ferox / Bardoseneticcube / Kryptogen Rundfunk / 1g0g "Mother Russia" CD-R, ltd. 100, Edda Grammofon (HILO-7), 2009
Bardoseneticcube / D.B.P.I.T. / Xxena / Pusio "split" tape, Deserted Factory (DF049), 2010
Bardoseneticcube & Vazhes "Bardo Thodol" mp3, Drill Records (073), 2010
Igor Bardo "My Sweet Nightmare" CD, Some Place Else (SPEXI057), 2011
Bardoseneticcube & Lieutenant Caramel "Silence Submarine" CD, Studio Forum, 2011
Bardoseneticcube & Vresnit & Kshatriy "Creation" CD, Vetvei (V20), 2011
Kromeshna + Bardoseneticcube "Lilac Honey" CD-R, Ostroga (OTR-19), 2011
B.A.R.D.M.O.M. "The Broken Brain Pyromaniac" mp3, Drill Records (133), 2011
B.A.R.D.M.O.M. "Yasnoise" mp3/flac, DNA Production (DNA 115), 2011
Bardoseneticcube + Shinkiro (BASHIN) "Four Noble Truths" CD, Athanor (ATNR 039), 2011
Tsaraas / DMT / Bardoseneticcube "Lynch" mp3, kultFRONT (KF-XVII), 2012
Maya & Bardoseneticcube "White Wind (Beliy Veter)" mp3/flac, Senile Dementia Production (SD031), 2012
Bardoseneticcube & Thelxinoe "split" flac, DNA Production (DNA 141), 2012


"Ultragamma" tape, ltd. 60, Ultra (U 35), 1999
"Intel Music vol. 1. Electro Byt" CD, Drugaya Cultura Produkt / Svobodny Poliot Rec. (DK003CD01/1), 2000
"Pieces of Music for White Dots" CD, Palace Editions, 2002
"Holy Mother Russia" CDR, ltd. 100 / LP, ltd. 500, Steinklang International (SK-IN02), 2004
"Experimental Sound Gallery Presents, vol. 1" CD, Strange Sounds Records (SSR 04011-PR), 2004
"Koji Tano (2005 - ∞)" mp3, Steinklang Industries, 2005
"Family Gathering Vol. 2" CDR, Fraction Studio (FSCDTL09), 2005
"Breaking Down The Barriers 1995-2005, Ten Years Of AFE" mp3, AFE Records (afe080mp3), 2005
"Steinklang Industries II: 2005-2006" 2 CD, Steinklang Industries, 2006
"How to Stay Young & Healthy in a Modern World" 2 CD-R, ltd. 200 / 2 CD-R + 3"CD-R, ltd. 22, Abgurd (AB-28), 2006
"Sicktron" tape, Black Arts Productions (Black Arts 10), 2006
"Noise vs. Glamour'06" CDR, Electroindustria / Vainohulluus, 2006
"The Black Square" CD, ltd. 444, KultFront (KF-VI), 2006
"Season of Snow and Ice" 2 CD-R, ltd. 100, Zaftig Research (Zaft 037), 2006
"Roulette Russe pour un Peu de Caviar" CD, ltd. 500, Monochrome Vision (mv12), 2007
"Avtogen-Shaitan" 2 CD-R, Ostroga (OTR-015), 2007
"Muzyka Voln" CD, ltd. 500, Muzyka Voln (MV-I), 2007
"Idea Of South-Indian Picture" CD-R, ltd. 115, Observatoire (obs-25), 2009
"11.11.11: Dark Side" flac, GV Sound (GV-064-2), 2011
"Oredezh" CD, ltd. 1000, Fulldozer (FDCD 33), 2011
"Inspiration - Zen" mp3 / flac / CDR, ltd. 12, Ambione Foundation (AF-12-(05)Com-N/CD), 2012

Participating in other records

Hladna CD-R, ltd. 51, Abgurd Subdivision (AB-07), 2004
Rubbish "The Culture Warriors" mp3, The Umbrella Noize Collective ([UMB074]), 2007
V/A "Risveglio Di Una Citta (In Memory Of Luigi Russolo)" 6 CDR, ltd. 160, Impulsy Stetoskopu (009), 2008
Noises Of Russia "Experimental Structure - Live at ESG-21, St. Petersburg, 06.10.2008" CD-R, ltd. 250, ZHELEZOBETON (ZHB-XIX), 2008
Brighter Death Now "Breaking Down Nihil" CD, ltd. 150, Der Angriff (Angriff Nr. 37), 2009

You can always buy Bardoseneticcube CDs via ZHELEZOBETON mailorder.

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© 2006