Igor Bardo

Labels & distributors

Abgurd - http://www.abgurd.com
AFE Records - http://www.aferecords.com
Ambione Foundation - http://www.ambione.ru
Aquarellist - http://www.aquarellist.ru
Athanor - http://arsregia.free.fr
Biosonar - http://www.biosonar.net
Blade Records - http://web.tiscali.it/bladerecords/
Cold Meat Industry - http://www.coldmeat.se
Cold Spring - http://www.coldspring.co.uk
Deserted Factory - http://www.desertedfactory.com
DIS Productions - http://www.darkscene.by.ru
DNA Productions - http://dna-production.org
Drill Records - http://drillrecords.com
Drone Records - http://www.dronerecords.de
Edda Grammofon - http://www.edda.se
Fulldozer - http://fulldozer.org | http://www.fulldozer.ru
GV Sound - http://gvsound.narod.ru
Mechanoise Labs - http://www.mechanoise-labs.com
Middle Pillar - http://www.middlepillar.com
Monochrome Vision - http://www.monochromevision.ru
Monopolka - http://trilobit666.narod.ru
Operator Produkzion - http://operatorprod.narod.ru
Ostroga - http://ostroga.narod.ru
Pocket Fields - http://pocketfields.com
Rape Art Productions - http://rapeartprods.com
Roil Noise - http://www.roilnoise.com
S und S records - http://www.sunds.narod.ru
Self Abuse Records - http://www.selfabuserecords.net
Senile Dementia Production - http://www.sendem.ru
Soleilmoon - http://www.soleilmoon.com
Some Place Else - http://www.someplaceelse.net
Staalplaat - http://www.staalplaat.com
Steinklang Industries - http://www.steinklang-records.at
Taalem - http://www.taalem.com
Tesco Organisation - http://www.tesco-germany.com
The Umbrella Noize Collective - http://www.umbrellanoize.com
Vetvei - http://vetvei.ohms.ru
Zaftig Research - http://www.inhell.com/eskaton/
Zhelezobeton - http://zhb.radionoise.ru


Trevor Brown - http://www.pileup.com/babyart/_top.htm
Larry Carlson - http://www.larrycarlson.com
H.R. Giger - http://www.hrgiger.com
Per Kristiansen - http://www.pkfoto.com


2012 - http://www.2012.spb.ru
Alio Die - http://www.aliodie.com
Anthesteria - http://www.anthesteria.stillclouds.com
Cisfinitum - http://www.cisfinitum.coldlands.ru
Do Shaska! - http://www.doshaska.net
Miguel Ruiz - http://www.batanbruits.com
Kryptogen Rundfunk - http://kr.radionoise.ru
Lieutenant Caramel - http://caramelos.free.fr
Lustmord - http://www.lustmord.com
Napalmed - http://napalweb.unas.cz
Noises Of Russia - http://www.noises.ru


Acoustical Society of America - http://asa.aip.org
APosition Creative Union - http://www.aposition.org
Blue Light - http://www.bluelight.ru
Brainwashed - http://www.brainwashed.com
Dark Industry - http://darkindustry.helvete.ru
FlexiMusic - http://www.fleximusic.com
Grof Transpersonal Training - http://www.holotropic.com
The Hermetic Library - http://www.hermetic.com
Luigi Russolo - http://personal-pages.lvc.edu/~snyder/em/russolo.html
Pulse Emitter - http://www.synthnoise.com
Shroomery - http://www.shroomery.org
Tesla Society - http://www.teslasociety.com
© 2006 Radionoise.ru